Monday, May 19, 2008

Major Project

The architect my group is focusing on is Shigeru Ban. I particularly like the way he has utilised paper in his buildings even when others said it couldn't be done. So, the particular building we are researching is the Japan Pavillion 2000 built in Hannover, Germany. The materials he has used are paper tubes, plywood, fabric tape, tension cables, and a PVC membrane over a paper membrane. As it is a pavillion, it is anchored using steel framed boxes fill with sand. The entire building is recyclable and reusable.

1 comment:

2A-2008-Ryan Mitchell said...

Thats a really interesting concept, The over all form of the structure is relaxing, good luck trying to develop the structural elements for this. I honestly dont get it no one picked like a simple design, why not minimalist? how much of the actual building is paper?